Aesthetic Advantage
Aesthetic Advantage
2475 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: 866-728-4469
Welcome to Aesthetic Advantage.
The company designed to make medically supervised beauty available to every person regardless of age, income, status, or challenge.
What that means for you is that you can expect to receive the most advanced care possible for your aesthetic needs, without having to be a celebrity.
The use of lasers is not new to the cosmetic industry, it has been in use for years in dealing with facial and leg veins, age spots and smoothing fine lines on the face. Laser energy is transformed into heat, disabling the follicle while leaving the surrounding area unaffected. Methods in the past have included electrolysis, but that procedure was limited in its treatment, because it meant treating each individual hair independently, which was time consuming, not to mention ended up being quite costly.
With laser hair removal being non-invasive, it is easy to treat delicate skin in larger areas without disruption to the structure of the outer layer of skin. Technicians consult with you about the different types of lasers, and what process may be best for you. It is important to remember that the laser can only destroy hair in its active growth phase, called the anagen phase. Up to 85% of our hair is in this phase at any given time and the positive aspect to that is that during this phase, our hair has an abundance of melanin and the hair follicle is easily targeted.
