Amae Laser Skin Solutions
Amae Laser Skin Solutions
26671 Aliso Creek Road, Suite 200
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Phone: (949) 425-0321
Fax: (949) 425-1204
The professional medical staff at Amae Laser Skin Solutions is dedicated to develop a comprehensive program tailored to your skin care needs. We use only effective FDA-approved state-of-the-art lasers and products to safely treat you and bring your skin to a new level of beauty that you deserve. Here at Amae Laser Skin Solutions, we are a medical facility where only board certified physicians and qualified clinicians perform procedures. Our staff welcomes and is eager to welcome you to our family and answer any and all questions you have regarding your procedures. We are excited to offer the following services:
• Free Consultation with a board certified physician
• Treatment plans that are specifically geared toward your needs and requests
• Multiply treatment options so you can choose what best fits you and your lifestyle
• We only recommend treatments you need and want for your skin, nothing more
• Free Financing with Care Credit
• Friendly Staff who is here is answer all your questions before, during, and after you treatments
• A family friendly environment
• All our physicians are trained and certified in all the lasers and procedure that we perform
Dr. Edward Chiang is a board certified physician with extensive training in cosmetic dermatology and a active members of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS). Dr. Chiang serves as Medical Director of Amae Laser Skin Solutions and is a clinical trainer for the Cutera, Inc. He is also certified in the use of Fraxel ® , Ultrapulse Encore CO2 ® lasers (Active FX), Cool-Lipo, Botox, Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse, and Artefill. Dr. Chiang is a native of southern California, earning his undergraduate degree at University of Southern California and completing his medical school education at Kirksville College of Medicine. His philosophy in cosmetic medicine is you must have inner beauty to fully express your outer beauty.
Dr. Henry Leung is a board certified physician practicing with an emphasis on medical cosmetics. His passion for well-being and optimal health led him to the discovery that people feel better when they look their best. He is an active member of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS). He is also certified in the use of Ultrapulse Encore CO2 ® lasers (Active FX), Cool-Lipo, Botox, Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse, and Artefill. Dr. Leung is a native of Arizona, earning his undergraduate degree at Arizona State University and completing his medical school education at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Skin Care Procedures
•Acne Scar
•Active FX - Laser Skin Resurfacing
•Chemical Peel
•Fillers Injectable Facial :
•Fine Lines & Wrinkles
•Laser Liposuction (Cool Lipo)
•Laser Hair
•Vein Removal
•Laser Vein Removal
•Photofacial IPL (Intense Pulse Light)
•Skin Rejuvenations (Laser Genesis)
•Sun Spot, Age Spot, Freckles
•Laser Skin Tightening
•Vibraderm Microdermabrasion
AmaeLaser© 2009.
