Image Center
Image Center
3815 Mission Ave
Ocenside, CA 92058
Tel: 760-722-6344
Image Center Cosmetic Surgery is a medical Practice Dedicated to Serving the Cosmetic and Esthetic needs of women in the North County. In Conjunction with Image Center Salon, Women can obtain the full spectrum of esthetic, medical, and surgical care in warm, caring, sensitive and comfortable environment designed just for women. The staff at Image Center Cosmetic Surgery are skilled in all aspects of esthetic, medical and cosmetic care, including skin, vein, laser and surgical treatments. The highly trained, Board Certified surgeons are both graduates of accredited surgical programs, and have recieved sub-speciality training in cosmetic surgery. They maintain busy practices in the San Diego area, have more than forty years of combined surgical experience, and have performed thousands of cosmetic prodcedures. Image Center Cosmetic Surgery's mission is to provide to women state-of-the-art, beauty-enhancing procedures, tailored to each individual's needs, and to perform these procedures in a safe, comfortable and affordable manner.
