Kayou Clinic East
Kayou Clinic East
450 Fletcher Pkwy
El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: (619) 447-1502
Kayou Medical Skin Care Clinic provides affordable Laser Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation Therapy. Click here for more information on our services.
Kayou Clinic employs only California licensed nurses and physicians. They have a combined total of more than 60 years as licensed medical professionals. In addition to the their licensure requirements, the staff have received on-going training and certification.
OUR Staffs
Kayou Clinic employs only California licensed nurses and physicians. They have a combined total of more than 60 years as licensed medical professionals. In addition to the their licensure requirements, the staff have received on-going training and certification in the following areas:
•Botox Administration
•Collagen Administration
•Laser Hair Removal
•Laser Skin Rejuvenation
•Laser Tattoo Removal
•Laser Vein Removal
•Chemical Peels
•Intense Pulse Light (IPL)
OUR Treatments
The treatments you receive are all performed in accordance with the pharmaceutical companies' guidelines and dilution recommendations. We are committed to bringing the latest and most effective treatments available at the most reasonable cost.
OUR Laser Hair Removal
You can now make unwanted body and facial hair a thing of the past, and all without the pain and hassle of waxing, shaving or electrolysis. At Kayou, our highly trained staff uses the CoolGlide laser hair removal system, a revolution in hair removal. The CoolGlide laser uses technology beyond that of other lasers, and it can disable hundreds of hair follicles in less than one second. That's why you get long-lasting results, on a wide range of skin types.
Facts about CoolGlide hair removal laser
•CoolGlide Excel's longer wavelength allows it to treat all skin tones, not just patients with light skin and dark hair.
•CoolGlide Excel can even treat patients with a suntan. You can now be treated all year long, and don't have to wait for your tan to fade.
•FDA Approved for Permanent Hair Reduction, CoolGlide Excel has long-term proven results.
•Used by many leaders in the medical field, CoolGlide Excel can treat large areas quickly due to its large spot size and rapid delivery of laser energy.
•CoolGlide Excel's unique cooling hand piece increases comfort and safety by soothing and protecting the skin as it glides along.
•Laser Hair Removal is one of the only proven long-term cures for Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB) or "shaving bumps," which occurs in over 12 million African American men alone.
•The CoolGlide can remove hair from all parts of the body including the face, legs, arms, underarms, and back, as well as sensitive areas like the chest, nipples, and bikini line.
•CoolGlide Excel can remove unsightly spider veins as well as unwanted hair. No more painful injections.
The CoolGlide can remove hair from all parts of the body including the face, legs, arms, underarms, and back, as well as sensitive areas like the chest. The CoolGlide makes shaving a thing of the past, and all without the pain and hassle of waxing, plucking or electrolysis.
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