Personal Laser Clinic
Personal Laser Clinic
255 North Elm Street, Suite 203
Escondido, CA 92025
Phone: (760) 743-5600
Toll Free: (866) 293-4247
While our medical office is very comfortable and private, we do not want to morph into one of the now trendy “medispa†types of practice. Many of these offer procedures that have minimal, if any, value and operate without the direct supervision of an onsite physician. Also, because of their high overhead, these spas are often expensive and pressure their clients into purchasing more treatments or products than may be necessary.
At the Personal Laser Clinic our goal is to provide the best available treatment for certain skin problems that can be effectively and safely treated using the latest medical technology. In the last several years there have been great strides made in the development of lasers for treating problems like unwanted hair.
I became interested in laser hair removal some years ago as I heard patients, (and my wife), complain of unwanted hair, especially during swimsuit season. Many feel that waxing, plucking and electrolysis are too uncomfortable, tedious, and expensive for something that only resulted in temporary relief. Just as significantly, these methods, as well as chemical depilatories, often caused annoying rashes and ingrown hairs.
Up until the last several years there wasn’t really much to offer these patients until the FDA approved the Lightsheer diode laser for permanent hair reduction. With this laser, the vast majority of people are very pleased with the results. The goal is a permanent elimination or drastic reduction of darker hairs. If there are hairs left after a few treatments they are usually finer, softer, and lighter than the ones they started off with. Be careful here, if someone claims to provide permanent hair “removal†they are making claims not allowed by the FDA, which says doctors can claim permanent hair reduction, not elimination.
How many treatments will I need?
In general it takes from 4 to 6 treatments for a permanent, drastic reduction in hair. If someone is unlucky enough to require more than 5 treatments we usually provide up to 5 additional treatments of that area for just a fraction of the price. People with lighter skin and darker hair are the best candidates. People with darker skin or lighter hair usually need more treatments. If there’s doubt as to whether you’re a candidate, we sometimes do a test area for a nominal fee. Remember, we’re with you on this and want to do everything reasonable to ensure your satisfaction. After performing literally thousands of treatments since 1999 there are not many who haven’t had a good result. (If anyone can figure out why it doesn’t work 100% of the time let me know and we’ll both be famous). In 2001 we added a new FDA approved upgrade to our Lightsheer diode laser that allows us to treat many black and tan people. I like to think that if we were any more advanced we’d be experimental.
Copyright © 2009 Personal Laser Clinic.
