Pure Beauty Skin Care Med Spa
Pure Beauty Skin Care Med Spa
22032 El Paseo, Suite 140
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-3947
Tel: (949) 709-2600
Fax: (949) 766-5782
Email: ma@purebeautymedspa.com

Enhance your natural beauty with the latest cosmetic laser skin treatments. Our Medical and Skin Spa clinic blends art and science to renew and restore skin health while making patients look better than they ever thought possible without surgery. Our approach includes ProFractioal ™ , minimal-downtime skin resurfacing and advanced cooling technology lasers, Skin Tyte™ , the latest, most effective skin tightening system , BOTOX®, and JUVEDERM .Our Doctors and nurses have more than thirteen years of experience and specialize in non-surgical and minimally invasive treatments to help you look your best.

Profractionalâ„¢ Services
Improve your skin tone and texture and decrease the appearance of wrinkles and acne scars with profractional treatments. This treatment consists of variable depth and density fractional treatments of the dermis, which corrects the signs of skin damage. You will receive significant results with little discomfort and downtime.

The MicroLaserPeel is the latest in skin rejuvenation treatments. This skin treatment provides excellent results for poor skin tones, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage.

Our Orange County spa offers photofacials, the most advanced and widest variety of intense pulsed light technology. This treatment is excellent for eliminating unsightly age spots and uneven pigmentation. Besides being effective on the face, it is also safe on the entire body.

Skin Tightening
New advances in light energy have taken non-invasive treatment of skin laxity for toning and tightening to new heights. Our staff uses safe infrared light energy and advanced skin cooling technology to comfortably deliver heat below the skin's surface to the dermis for increased tissue tightening and reduced skin laxity. The treatment is safer and more effective than ever before. The most popular areas to treat are the jaw line and abdomen. You'll feel and look your best in no time at all.

Laser Vein Treatments
Our medical spa offers effective treatments for vascular lesions, including spider veins, small varicose veins, facial vessels, and cherry angiomas. Our staff successfully treats both red and blue vessels up to 3 mm in diameter.

Laser Hair Removal
Our laser hair removal treatment is the solution to your hair issues. You won't need to wax, pluck, or shave again. Make an appointment today—our laser hair removal system can eliminate that unwanted hair after only a few treatments. This service is ideal for those who are embarrassed by unwanted facial and body hair.
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