Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute
Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute
27462 Portola Pkwy
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
Tel: (949) 727-9099
If you're considering plastic surgery in Orange County to enhance your appearance, these web pages will give you a basic understanding of the most common procedures. These pages are intended only as an introduction. You can continue your exploration of Orange County cosmetic surgery procedures by scheduling an in-office consultation with Dr. Daneshmand. After an examination and evaluation, we can better tailor the surgical procedure for your particular condition or anatomy.
All procedures are performed at the Foothill Ranch Surgery and Medical Center, conveniently located off the 241 Toll Road and Portola, and at the Laguna Hills Surgery Center, located 5 minutes off the 5 freeway in Laguna Hills. This Orange County plastic surgery facility is fully accredited by AAAA-SF and all anesthesiologists are certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology with training and certification in advanced cardiac life support (ACLS).
Genuine patient care is our highest mission at Silhouette Plastic Surgery, whether we are performing Orange County abdominoplasty or Orange County breast augmentation. We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for our patients who will always enjoy warm, relaxed, yet refined ambiance.
Laser Hair Removal
Offices in Foothill Ranch, Bakersfield & Newport Beach
Summer is fast approaching. We offer the latest FDA-approved technology and unbeatable prices, from Orange County rhinoplasty to hair removal. Why not schedule your first laser treatments today? The sooner you start the Orange County laser hair removal process, the sooner you'll have smooth hair-free skin.
Laser Hair removal packages:
What is the type of Laser you use?
Candela's Gentelase (long pulse alexandrite laser). Currently this is the newest and fastest FDA approved laser for the treatment of unwanted hair. The GentleLase System for laser hair removal, a revolutionary long-pulse high energy alexandrite laser, emits a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. The skin is further protected from the laser by a Dynamic Cooling Device. Cryogen is sprayed onto the skin cooling the upper layers and providing increased comfort. The GentleLase selectivity helps to protect the skin, while safely and effectively treating the unwanted hair.
What areas can be treated?
Almost anywhere where there is unwanted hair. We treat the bikini line, underarms, legs, chest, shoulders, back, lip, chin, neck, feet, etc.
Can you treat any skin types/colors?
All skin types (colors) can be treated. All skin types need to have a consultation and a patch test before treatment. Some darker skin types need to perform a test treatment to determine the if pre-treatment is necessary to prevent hyper pigmentation (discoloration). We also cannot treat recently tanned skin . Sun avoidance for 4-6 weeks before the procedure is required. The laser works by being absorbed by the pigment in hair; therefore gray or blond hair may not respond well while darker hair responds best.
How many treatments does it take?
The number of treatments required will vary with each client. For most clients 4-6 treatments will result in approximately a 75-95% permanent reduction of hairs. For best results we strongly recommend for clients to come for treatments every 4 to 6 weeks.
How does laser compare to electrolysis?
There are no direct comparison studies between these different techniques. Laser is faster, more cost effective, more tolerable and more comfortable compared to electrolysis. Limited studies suggests that laser works as well as and perhaps better than electrolysis.
How long does a treatment take?
The time depends on the area treated. The lip takes less than half hour while the back or legs can take as long as a full hour. Laser hair removal is not accomplished in one visit.
How much does it cost?
The cost and price depend on the area treated. Discounts are given when purchasing a series of treatments. Please Call or e-mail us for more details. Click Here to Contact Us for a Consultation.
Is there any special skin care needed before a treatment?
The treated areas should not be tweezed, waxed, nor should a depilatory cream be used for 4 weeks before a treatment session. Shaving may be done up to 1-2 days before the procedure. Also the skin should not be tanned or have extensive sun exposure for 1 month before the procedure. Some skin may require a bleaching agent to avoid hyperpigmentation. During the consultation the client would be advised.
Are there any side effects?
The Gentelase has an excellent safety record. Discoloration, either light or dark can occur. This can last for several months; currently there are no reports of permanent discoloration. Sometimes bleaching creams may be required to help lighten any dark spots. Rarely, blistering can occur which is treated like a sun burn.
How is the skin after the treatment?
Following the treatment the skin may feel like you have a mild sunburn. This sensation usually resolves overnight but may last a couple of days. Less common swelling may occur around the hair follicle and this can lasts a few hours. Ask about post laser treatment and take home recommendations to alleviate any discomfort and side effects.
Does the treatment hurt?
Our laser is equipped with a patented "dynamic cooling device." This emits a spray of refrigerant before the laser pulse to help minimize discomfort. Treatment areas such as the legs, back, or underarms are very well tolerated without anesthesia; for sensitive areas such as the lip, bikinis, hairline, etc. local anesthetic can be applied but most patients do not need any topical agents. The answer to the question for most is "No."
Why Should I Choose Silhouette? Because Silhouette offers the best and unique price programs, individual attention, and the latest, most effective technology in laser hair removal. Silhouette specializes in laser hair removal.
Copyright 2005
