THE INSTITUTE At Marina del Rey
THE INSTITUTE At Marina del Rey
4644 Lincoln Blvd - Suite 552
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Tel: 877.298.9915

Laser Hair Removal
It's time to shed your relationship with unwanted hair once and for all with Laser Hair Removal.

Shaving, tweezing, waxing, and electrolysis become things of the past. Laser Hair Removal permanently stops hair from growing. Sessions are quick (usually about 15 minutes) and can cover large areas. Laser Hair Removal treatment usually takes four to six sessions (each a few weeks apart to ensure that all unwanted hair is eliminated).

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Laser Hair Removal goes right to the root of an unwanted hair problem: the hair follicle itself. Laser Hair Removal disables the follicle's ability to produce any more hair. Results with Laser Hair Removal can depend on the darkness of the hair and the stage of growth of the hair follicle - these things will determine the number of sessions required to get rid of all the unwanted hair.

Hair must be in a growth stage during treatment, which is one of the reasons why Hair Laser Removal requires several sessions: all follicles are not in the same stage at the same time. Plus, stages can last anywhere between 2 to 6 months. The three stages of hair growth are growth, regression and resting.

What Does Laser Hair Removal Treat?
Laser Hair Removal treats unwanted hair. The quickness of the treatment, combined with the long-lasting effects and large areas that you can treat at one session, definitely make it the solution of choice for thousands of people. Laser Hair Removal works on the face, armpits, bikini areas, back, legs, arms and chest. Dark hair is more successfully treated than light hair and hair must be in an active growth stage.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:
No more irritation from shaving or cream
Large areas treated at one time
Sessions are short
Most parts of the body treatable
What Are Laser Hair Removal Treatments Like?
Sessions happen in office in a relaxing setting. The area to be treated is cleansed before the laser process begins. A wand or hand piece goes over the treatment area and delivers the light of the laser. Some people describe the laser treatment as feeling like a mild sting or pinching sensation, however anesthesia is not required. Most treatments last about 15 minutes with further sessions every 3 to 6 weeks; treatment duration and intervals depend on the size and location of the treatment area.

Does It Hurt and What Can Go Wrong?
Laser Hair Removal is a very safe treatment with few side effects. Some patients describe the actual therapy as feeling like mild stinging or pinching, but this discomfort subsides when each treatment ends. Some people experience temporary redness or swelling after treatment. Very rarely blistering can happen.

What should I expect from Laser Hair Removal Treatment?
Laser Hair Removal reduces unwanted hair. You will see results immediately after each session, with less and less hair growth happening during the weeks after each session. Results depend on hair color, density, and the area that is treated. Maintenance appointments are encouraged to target hair that was in a dormant stage during previous sessions.

For more information about Laser Hair Removal, we encourage you to call to schedule an in-office consultation.
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