The Maas Clinic
The Maas Clinic
10833 Donner Pass Road, Suite 202
Truckee, CA 96161
Phone: (530) 582-7070

The Maas Clinics, with locations in San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, provide leading-edge capabilities to patients through its state-of-the-art facilities and offices.

The consultation office is the first stop for every patient considering aesthetic surgery options with the Clinic. Initial consultations allow the patient to communicate their concerns in their appearance and the results they would like to see after surgery. Computer imaging and manipulation offers patients an opportunity to preview the outcome of the
procedure(s) they are considering, thereby setting appropriate expectations and increasing post-operative patient satisfaction.

Depending on the procedure to be performed, the patient may be treated in one of the clinic’s procedure rooms (which are fully equipped to accommodate minor procedures) or in one of the surgical facilities in which Dr. Maas operates.

Post operative care appointments take place in the one of the Clinic’s procedure rooms. The Maas Clinic staff makes every effort to ensure patient privacy and discretion throughout surgical pre-op and post-op visits.

You already are aware that the decision to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery - even seemingly common procedures such as face lifts and lip enhancement - is an important one not to be taken lightly. Your health and your attitude toward your appearance are major factors in your general sense of happiness and well being. Dr. Maas and The Maas Clinic staff look forward to helping you in your decision-making process, and caring for you if and when you decide that this is the route you wish to take. Costs of procedures vary, and so consultation with the surgeon is the only way to arrive at realistic fee expectations. Some procedures are considered elective and therefore not covered by health insurance. We wish you the best and pledge our commitment to serving your needs.

OUR Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is an increasingly popular treatment for men and women who wish to look clean-shaven without having to bother with weekly or daily hair-removal procedures like shaving, waxing and chemical depilatories. Laser hair removal may be performed on virtually any area of the body, ranging from the very small (i.e. the upper lip) to the very large (i.e. the back).

The Appearance Care Center at The Maas Clinic uses the Lumenis Light Sheer laser, which is recognized as the gold standard for laser hair removal. It works by delivering pulses, each pulse lasting for just a fraction of a second. The associated heat damages the hair follicle and impairs its ability to re-grow. Significantly less hair grows back with each treatment, ultimately resulting in the desired outcome of permanent hair reduction. Not only is the idea of laser hair removal desirable from an aesthetic and convenience perspective, but it can also improve the health and appearance of the skin by reducing the incidence of skin disorders, like razor burn and folliculitis, which are directly linked to the presence of hair in the affected area.

Hair growth is cyclical and there are three phases in the cycle. The first phase is anagen (the active or growth cycle); the second phase is catagen (the dormant phase); and the last phase is telogen (the fall-out or shedding phase). Laser Hair Removal is most effective during the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle. It is highly unlikely that every hair to be treated on a given day will be in the anagen phase, hence the need for multiple treatments.

Hair growth cycles differ on different parts of the body. Your skin and hair color, coarseness of hair as well as age, metabolism and other individual factors influence hair growth rate. To achieve optimal results, 4-6 treatments spaced at 4-6 week intervals is suggested. Laser hair removal treatments in San Francisco or Tahoe may be purchased in a series of 5 or individually.

© 2009 The Maas Clinic.
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